
Meatless Mondays: Kale Pesto

The Month of March is making us think green.  St. Patrick's
Day is less than a week away, with the first day of Spring on
its heels.  What better time to celebrate Green Vegetables.
The health benefits of eating green is well known.
Leafy greens are brimming with fiber, vitamins and minerals
that are believed to protect against heart disease, diabetes, and
 Kale is being hailed as the new superfood.  Rich in vitamins
A, C and K,  this leafy green also contains calcium, folate 
and potassium making it an antioxidant wonder veg.
I buy a fresh bunch every week.  It is delicious 
stir-fried in olive oil with some garlic and topped with
freshly grated Parmesan cheese; or simply coarsely chopped
and added to soups or stews.  Make kale chips by 
tearing the leaves into bite size pieces (stems
removed).  Lay out in a single layer on a cookie sheet, 
toss in olive oil, season with salt and pepper, sprinkle with some
freshly grated Parmesan and bake in 300F oven for 20 minutes,
until crispy. Healthy snack and/or amazing side dish to any meal!   
*(Before cooking with kale, be sure to rinse it to remove any 
dirt and dry it thoroughly before you toss it with olive oil)

Try the Kale Pesto Pasta recipe below for something
a little out of the ordinary.  We love its creamy richness and it
is so good for you, too!!


Makes 1 1/2 cups, enough for 6-8 servings of pasta
1/2 cup chopped pine nuts or walnuts
8 ounces kale, trimmed, rinsed, and chopped
1 cup shredded Parmesan cheese
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1-2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 teaspoons lemon juice
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper


- Toast nuts in the oven or a frying pan until they’re golden and fragrant. This only takes a couple minutes, so keep an eye on them. Let cool.
- Wash and dry kale. Trim all of the stems off. You should just have the leaves left.
- Bring a large pot of salted water to boil. Have a large bowl of cold water ready. Drop the chopped kale into the boiling water. When the water returns to a boil, swirl the kale around a few times until it becomes limp.
- Drain the kale and plunge it into the cold water. Drain again, then place on a clean dishtowel and blot away the moisture.
- Place the nuts, kale, Parmesan, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, salt, and pepper in a blender. Purée until smooth. You may need to add more olive oil to reach desired consistency.
- To refrigerate, cover with plastic wrap directly on the surface of the pesto. Will stay fresh for up to 3 days. To freeze, place desired portions in small containers with plastic directly on the surface of the pesto, or place in plastic freezer bags. Freeze for up to two months.
Enjoy on pasta or pizza with a glass of white wine.
Recipe and Photos courtesy of Glitter Guide

Remember to eat your greens.  They are so good for you!!!


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