
Snow Day!

I can't remember the last time that I had a snow day. Karen and I had already decided the night before that we were going to take a snow day. The main story of Thursday's news reports had been the impending storm and how it was going to rage havoc across the entire province. We were almost gleeful in anticipation. No getting up at 6:00am to get ready to travel north to Markham by 7:00am in order to avoid the traffic.   We were to be snowbound.
Although it appeared that the storm held me hostage, the opposite was true. It gave me the freedom to get up when I wanted. My mind with its internal clock awoke naturally at 6:00am but my body rolled over and went back to sleep until 8:00am.  There was no morning rush.  A leisurely breakfast, checking emails, some business related phone calls and some work on a project all while in my pjs.  In fact, before I knew it, it was Noon and I was still in my pjs.  I could get used to this.   I felt relaxed, almost blissful.  Maybe this is why Oprah is known to spend Sundays in her pjs as it affords an opportunity to step out of the day-to-day regimented routine and just be. 
The snow continued to fall outside my window blanketing the city in a white shroud of calm and serenity and I felt it's effect.  The city sounds were muffled.  Less traffic, less noise, less hustle and bustle.
After lunch, I quickly dressed as I was anxious to get outside and walk in the snow.  There is something magical about trudging through newly fallen snow as you mark your footprints with every step.  It was exhilerating.  There is nothing like a good snow day to ignite child-like exurberance in the soul.
By the end of the day, I felt refreshed and rejuvenated.



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