
Family Day!

This is a relatively new holiday in Ontario having been proclaimed in 2008 but it couldn't come at a better time of the year.  Not being federal, we only share this 3rd Monday in February Family Day holiday with 2 other provinces:  Alberta who were the first to proclaim it in 1990 and Saskatchewan who started to observe it in 2007.  2013 marks the first Family Day holiday for British Columbia but they have designated the second Monday of February. To be sure,  it's been a long stretch since January 1st and having a holiday in mid-February is a welcome relief.
 Our Family Day also coincides with the American President's Day which lead to a very interesting conversation at the dinner table last night with my son's friend, an American in the MA program at U of T, who has had the opportunity to live among us during the last 6 months.  Although on the surface, Canadians appear to be much like Americans, she finds our temperaments to be kinder, more polite and easier to get along with.  There is a less fierceness, competitiveness to our nature; more supportive less combative, a willingness to get along.  Stereotypical, eh?  To her, Family Day is so Canadian and you know she is right. We have chosen a day to celebrate the family not a political leader or event.  We are the peacekeepers not the warriors.  We have earned our worldwide reputation.
So on this Family Day, take time to chase away the winter blues, embrace the great Canadian outdoors and savour some homecooked comfort food as you gather round the table with your family creating another happy moment together.   If you can't be with your family, give thanks to your family and remember we are all members of the family of mankind!
Peace, love and joy!       
Have a great day, Linda
P.S.  I am cooking up my kids' favourite Turkey Lasagne for dinner.  Comfort food at its best.
        Promise to share the recipe. 

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