
Provencal Summer Vegetable Gratin

Serves: 6

This is a classic Provencal dish of thinly slice vegetables that are arranged in rows and drizzled with olive oil, then cooked until almost caramelized


1 pound eggplant, peeled and cut crosswise ½ inch thick

1 large red onion, sliced

1 clove of garlic, minced

Salt and freshly ground pepper

1 pound zucchini, green & yellow, sliced crosswise ½ inch thick

1 pound tomatoes, cored and sliced crosswise ½ inch thick

3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

1 teaspoon finely chopped rosemary

1. Preheat the oven to 400oF.

2. Fry sliced onion and garlic in butter till slightly brown.

3. Grease a 12-by-10-inch shallow baking dish with olive oil. Set onion and garlic on bottom of baking dish. Arrange one-third of the eggplant slices in an overlapping row across the dish. Season with salt and pepper . Similarly, make a row of zucchini, followed by a row of tomatoes. Repeat until all the vegetables are used.

4. Drizzle the vegetables with the olive oil and sprinkle with the rosemary. Bake for about 40 minutes, or until the vegetables are very tender and starting to brown around the edges.

*the gratin can be baked a few hours ahead of time and quickly reheated just before serving