
A New BEEginning!

The first day of the new year brings the opportunity to begin again.   It has been many months since our last post.  We have been very busy buzzing between The Queensbridge Mill and The Village Grocer embarking on new adventures in the world of food.....we finally opened the Village Cooking School in August by hosting a Kids Culinary Camp. After that, fall was a flash; and a whirlwind of activity and events culminated in Christmas and holiday celebrations.
January 1st is a day of reflection, a day to make resolutions, a day to begin again.
When we launched our blog, we intended to share our journey.  Our role at the Village Grocer has brought us full circle back to our passion for food, entertaining and design which began when we first opened The Queen's Pantry on Main Street Unionville in 1981. (How time flies when you are having a good time!)  It has been an incredible journey so far and 2013 promises to be filled with new discoveries and adventures.  We'll keep you posted!
Wishing you all the best in 2013!

Linda & Karen

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