
Memories of Italy- Bees Abroad June 2010

The greeting committee at the Hotel Il Piccolo Castello excitedly awaiting their Queen and King Bees' arrival. We started to plan this tour over 2 years ago and finally our dream to take people on a memorable adventure was about to begin. There is a saying that a birth certificate shows that you were born, a death certificate shows that you have died and pictures show that you have lived. We are delighted to share some highlights of our trip. It definitely proved to be a trip of a lifetime!
They're here!

Welcome drinks by the pool. Let the party begin.....

Welcome dinner. Italy was soon to be known by us as EATaly!

A toast to celebrate La Dolce Vita--the Italian way of Beeing: good food, good wine, good friends

Our first breakfast in Tuscany! The adventure is about to begin.....

Arrival at the front gates of the medieval town of San Gimignano. It is known as the City of Beautiful Towers which date back to the 13th century. Within its walls, only 14 of the original 76 still stand.
View from the Torre Grossa, the tallest remaining tower. A climb to the top gives a spectacular panoramic view of the countryside.

Lunch at the lovely Villa San Paolo on the outskirts of San Gimignano. We enjoyed a delicious meal as we soaked up the beauty of the Italian landscape. What a great way to experience our first afternoon in Tuscany.
Back to our hotel after our first day in Tuscany.

Every Monday morning vendors arrive in vans which open up like small store fronts and sell everything from food, clothing and housewares. They move from town to town during different days of the week. Everything is packed up and gone by 12Noon.These market caravans cater to the locals not the tourist trade and are fun to stroll as there are treasures to be discovered.

There were so many bargains. We shopped.

We shopped.

and we shopped!

The Monday market is set up in a park at the end of town looking out over the beautiful countryside. It seemed that a favourite past-time of the Tuscan man was to sit with his friends while his wife shopped. Not a bad way to spend a morning.You shop til you dropped.
Time for a little refreshment at the Bar Centrale in the centre of town.

On the bus again enroute to our next adventure!
Climbing up to the gates of Castello Montegufoni.

Spectacular vista from the castle's terrace

We dined like royalty on a five course lunch. After lunch, we were allowed to explore the grande rooms of the castle.

We were made to feel right at home!

Our afternoon at the castle was like stepping back into time. We were enchanted!

Today, we discovered the back roads of Chianti with Silvio. Born and raised in Tuscany, he is a world renowned travel guide conducting tours that go beyond the typical tourist sights providing us with a real taste of the true Tuscany.

Carlo welcomes us to Villa Il Fontino. He specializes in the production of premium organic extra virgin olive oil. He grows over 2,000 olive trees and his farm has its own olive oil mill which guarantes the freshness and superior quality of oil as the olives can be crushed immediately after picking.

Tuscan olive oil is highly prized as the trees are smaller in this part of Italy and only produce 1 litre of oil per tree. We now appreciate why the Roman called it "liquid gold".

Olive groves always border vineyards. The two staples of Italian life always grow side by side, eternal friends. Our palates were treated to the supreme taste of Carlo's organic lemon infused extra virgin olive oil which he drizzled over streamed cauliflower and carrots. The flavour rocked our socks and we all bought litres to enjoy back home.

Next stop was the little village of Sant'Appiano (pop. 35 people) which is the site of 4 mysterious pagan columns at the entrance of a 1,000 year old Christian church. Hospitality abounded that day as the town welcomed us "all tavolo" to enjoy an Italian Feast in the cloiser of the medieval church.

Our meal was lovingly prepared by three woman of the town, Lucia, her mother, Giovanna and a friend. Classic Tuscan fare made of simple, fresh ingredients and so delicious!

As we dined, we were serenaded by an Italian tenor accompanied by a classical guitarist.
Life doesn't get any better than this! A moment in time to be savoured forever.
Florence the cradle of the Renaissance! A view of the famous Ponte Vecchio.

We began our day with a tour of the Uffizi Museum considered the greatest gallery of Renaissance Art

We enjoyed a delicious lunch at Ristorante il Cavallino in the beautiful Piazza della Signoria.

Shopping for scarves and leather goods at the San Lorenzo Market is a must!

Always time for a gelato. So many flavours, so many choices, so little time.
Legend has it that if you rub the nose of the bronze wild boar in the Straw Market, you will be sure to return again to Florence.

Breath-taking view of Florence at sunset across the Arno River from the Piazzale Michelangelo.

A typical vista from the bus as we drove through the beautiful Chianti countryside.

Arrival at Castello Vicchiomagio perched high on the hilltop.

Wine tasting in the garden before Noon!

Pasta making with Fabio, the chef. (known as Fabulous by us ladies). Our hands-on experience provided lots of fun and laughter!

Site of the Piazza del Campo in Siena, home of the famous horse race.

A view of the Duomo as we wind our way through the streets of Siena.

We were graciously welcomed to the medieval hilltop town of Monteriggioni for our farwell to Tuscany dinner.

Music and dance entertained us throughout our feast.
Our dinner ended with fanfare with a medieval fire-eater!

Classical Rome...The Colosseum, The Roman Forum.....
The awe inspiring Vatican!

Our farwell dinner at the top of the Forum Hotel giving us a panoramic of Rome.

Arrivederci Roma! We will return.......

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