
Greetings from Ireland!

Karen has escaped to the enchanted Emerald Island to visit some Irish friends for 2 weeks.
Normally on a good day, you get 4 seasons in one day, however, Karen reported that it has been teeming since they arrived---a condition which the Irish refer to as "thrashing" rain not the usual soft drizzle.

Even the sheep do not look happy!

The beautiful Kylemore Castle. Under cloudy skies is looks lovely and lush but a bit surreal.

Surrounded by the Sea, the Irish landscape is a magnificant verdant carpet of rolling hills, forests and green, green, pastures. It exudes a romantic mysticism. It is not surprising that it is the land of leprechauns and magical rainbows

Taking refuge from the rain, Karen visits the local church bazaar and buys some delicious home-baked goodies.

The Irish countryside is dotted with quaint stone cottages all with delightfully painted doors in bright colours. Local legend has it that it makes it easier to distinguish one's own home upon returning from a night of indulgence at the local pub.

With the rain still "thrashing", its time to head into the local bakery for a hot cup of Irish tea and a sweet bun (or two).

Ashford Castle on another "soft" day in Ireland. You can't help but love the poetic nature of the Irish spirit. They use this expression to describe days that are not sunny and bright. One good thing about all that Irish rain---incredible green gardens and lawns!

Looks like another bout of thrashing rain! Where to go?

The local pub, of course! Nothing warms the spirit more than a tall glass of Guinness! Cheers!

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